17. The Gaming Console (1/6)

One (beloved and cherished reader) said to me:

'What about the gaming console?'

'Oh! That!' I said, trying to sound detached and unconcerned. 

Indeed I was gasping and choking and starting to hyper-ventilate as I started screaming: 'My salts, please! Please, salts, I am fainting!' and proceeded on the spot to collapse on the couch.

Apparently no-one in the family took notice. No one worried.

When I opened my eyes again (no salts but my husband with a glass of wine) I was staring at the TV screen and at the very spot of the aforementioned console. I fainted again and needed a second glass of the lovely fruity beverage that had been given to me earlier. Better than that expensive smoothie, must be full of vitamins as it did me a world of good.

It took me a while to recover though. It is only now - months later - that I have my senses back and can tell the story. 

This blog is definitely an affordable kind of therapy for neurotic mothers of wild teenagers.



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