14. The love of my life or TGA 1

There seems to be one aspect of this shut-up life I've overlooked.

Thank God one of my readers pointed me in the right direction.

What about your husband?

Oh yes! What about him?

I should be monitoring that. Now that monitoring the kids screen time is in place.  

I have notice that:

1) He is spending a lot of time on the family large screen computer looking at videos of guys raving motorbikes or guys taking bits or motorbikes apart and putting them back together again. Sometimes he even wants to explain this to me!

2) The other day he looked at me and said:

'You know, I think I might start on a new project.'

'Great idea!' I replied, thinking he was going to start sanding the cellar's brick wall or carpet the stairs (they would not creak so much that way and I could go up to spy on the girls without being heard). Or maybe he was planning a road trip for the family ...

'I am thinking of buying and old (can't remember the make nor the model) motorbike  (or car, can't remember that bit either) ... and, you know fix it and clean it up and get it back on the road.'

I nearly choked on my drink. All I could see was my husband on a Harley Davidson complete with beard and long hair and leather jacket with fringes. And me at the back!😎

'No!' I said. 

'Why not? You might enjoy riding it too.'

'You won't have time. May 11' is coming up and we are all going back to work. Real work. Forget it. Let us plan a holiday instead. '

'You've got a point there.'

Big huge quiet inner sigh of relief. 

3) The shopping trips are getting worse: yesterday he came home with 6 packs of beer, 6 eggs, two pints of milk, and 6 packets of digestive biscuits. 

And no flour! And no teabags! (He drinks a million cups of tea a day now that he is AT HOME.)

So definitely he is in need of a close monitoring. Watch this space. 😉


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