87. Happy birthday! (5 months old)

 My blog is 5 months old today. And I am happy.

5 moths is not a lot and yet I feel I have been doing this for quite a while. I started it as a - silly me!- pedagogical tool during lockdown. And it quickly evolved into this. A mixed bag of stories past and present, I guess it was a way to chat with folks and meet new people when I had to stay at home , the adult equivalent of imaginary friends maybe ... 

Born during lockdown, it has survived the summer holidays even if it has gone a bit quiet and sluggish. It has a little sibling too, which is not my writing but Julien's writing, his letters to the one he loved. And I am asking myself a lot of questions: will she wait for him? Will they get married and be happy as he so deeply desires? Did they survive the war? 


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