164. Table of contents (Year 1)
That's it! I've made it! 🥳
One year of posts, one year of blogging! 164 posts, 109,055 words (295 pages)!
So I am posting the table of contents. 🥱 I thought you could find your favourite post and share it using the cool 'share' button I have just added. 🎁
I thought blogging would keep me sane. Impossible to know if this has worked. But is had definitely kept me entertained. And I have enjoyed it so much I am panning to go o - lockdown or no lockdown.
So it's keep calm and carry on blogging.
1. Diary keeping
2. Mes débuts dans le télé-enseignement
3. Zero screen week-end 1/4
4. Zero screen week-end 2/4
5. Zero screen week-end 3/4
6. Zero screen week-end 4/4
7. I had a dream
8. Yoko Ono and Sue Townsend 1
9. How long can I stay in bed and get waited on by my children? (1/2)
10. How long can I stay in bed and get waited on by my husband and children? (2/2)
11. Man of the house's way (screens during lockdown)
12. Midnight treats
13. Shopping trip
14. The love of my life or TGA 1
15. Les enfants sages
16. Behaving strangely
17. The Gaming Console (1/6)
18. The Gaming Console (2/6)
19. Vow of Silence
20. Happy birthday! (1 month old) 1st month: 19 posts
21. About the dog
22. Remember the school runs
23. The Gaming Console (3/6)
24. The Gaming Console (4/6)
25. The Gaming Console (5/6)
26. The Gaming Console (6/6)
27. Toute petite anecdote
28. Bedtime stories
29. Education at home
30. Leçon du jour
31. Kids eat free
32. Croque-Monsieur
33. Mum's educational programme (1/5)
34. Home hunting (1/4)
35. Home hunting (2/4)
36. Home hunting (3/4)
37. Il Ponte Vecchio
38. Lost again
39. Happy birthday! (2 months old) 2nd month: 18 posts
40. Home hunting (4/4)
41. Back to work! (1/6)
42. Back to work (2/6)
43. Back to work (3/6)
44. Back at work (4/6)
45. Reading list
46. Back at work (5/6)
47. A whiff of adventure (1)
48. Life is back to normal
49. Love at first sight (1/4)
50. Love at first sight (2/4)
51. Love at first sight (3/4)
52. Heatwave
53. Doing the housework: the son (1/6)
54. Shopping habits (1/2)
55. Shopping habits (2/2)
56. Happy birthday! (3 months old) 3rd month: 16 posts
57. New neighbours
58. Irish Good Byes
59. Race the teacher
60. Back at work for good (6/6)
61. Reading achievement 1
62. Home-schooling
63. Proper school (1/2)
64. Doing the housework: the mother (2/6)
65. A whiff of adventure (2)
66. Humpty (1/2)
67. Doing the housework: the mother (3/6)
68. Driving lesson (1)
69. Driving lesson (2)
70. Humpty (2/2)
71. Driving lesson (3)
72. A whiff of adventure (3)
73. Morning routine
74. Sunday lunch with a twist (1/4)
75. Happy birthday! (4 months old) 4th month: 18 posts
76. Sunday lunch with a twist (2/4)
77. Sunday lunch with a twist (3/4)
78. Sunday lunch with a twist (4/4)
79. Builders
80. Driving lesson (4)
81. Driving lesson (5)
82. Bumper cars
83. Mums
84. Driving Skills
85. Driving Test
86. A whiff of adventure (4)
87. Happy birthday! (5 months old) 5th month: 11 posts
88. Back to work - for real this time (6/6)
89. Boarding school
90. Weekend 1
91. Working from the workplace
92. And the phone rang ... (1/3)
93. And the phone rang ... (2/3)
94. Happy birthday (6 months old and 100 posts) 6th month: 6 posts
95. 100
96. Yellow Crocs
97. Thirteen
98. A whiff of adventure (4)
99. That holiday feeling (1/3)
100. That holiday feeling (2/3)
101. That holiday feeling (3/3)
102. Cables (1/3)
103. Happy birthday! (7 months old) 7th month: 8 posts
104. TGA/TGE (1/6)
105. TGA/TGE (2/6)
106. TGA/TGE (3/6)
107. TGE/TGA (4/6)
108. Cables (2/3)
109. TGE/TGA (5/6)
110. Cables (3/3)
111. Evening drink
112. TGA (6/6)
113. An the phone rang (3/3)
114. And the phone rang ... (4/4)
115. The Great Cellar Project (1)
116. Parasites
117. The Cellar Project (2)
118. Bedtime stories
119. Simone
120. Christmas (1)
121. Air
122. Happy birthday! (8 months old) 8th month: 18 posts
123. WFH (1/3)
124. WFH (2/3)
125. WFH (3/3)
126. Christmas (2) The Tree
127. Christmas (3) The Wreath
128. Christmas (4) Presents
129. Safety issues (1/3)
130. Safety issues (2/3)
131. Safety issues (3/3)
132. Merry Christmas
133. Happy birthday! (9 months old) 9th month: 10 posts
134. Cultural visit
135. Cheerio 2020!
136. New Order
137. Safety issues (4)
138. Into the new year we go ...
139. She's leaving home (1)
140. She's leaving home (2)
141. She's leaving home (3)
142. New Order (2)
143. At work : the photocopying room
144. Happy birthday (10 months old) 10th month: 10 posts
145. At work : une heure dans ma vie de prof
146. Mother and son
147. At work : une matinée dans ma vie de prof
148. Water
149. Start of the year
150. A change of destination
151. Peaceful weekend
152. Optimistic outlook on life
153. ALA 1
154. Happy birthday (11 months old) 11th month: 9 posts
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