163. The birthday quiz

Happy birthday! 🎂 🥳
One year old today so to celebrate here is a little quiz. How will you score?
1. How many children does Mrs Blogger have?
2. What is Mrs Blogger's day job?
3. What hobby did the husband of Mrs Blogger suggest during lockdown?
4. What hobby did they finally settle for?
5. Mr and Mrs Blogger travelled to England to collect some hobby-               related item. Which one?
6. What does TGA stand for?
7. The son of the family plays one sport. Which one?
8. The son embarrassed his parents in a shopping mall once about one item of clothing. Which one?
9. Can you put the Blogger kids in the correct order, starting with Baby-of-the-Family? (Maths-Head, Miss O., the son)
10. Why did Mr and Mrs Blogger go down to the cellar?
11. How did Mrs Blogger's blog start?
12. What did the people in the street have a non-declared competition                                                             about (clue: around Christmas time)?
13. Mrs Blogger is writing a blog about Simone's love story. Where did the inspiration for this blog come from?
14. What is the name of Simone's lover?
15 and 16. Mrs Blogger drove round the town square three times once so Baby could spy on someone. Who was being spied on and what was Mrs Blogger worried about?
17. During lockdown each child had to pick a country to inspire a Sunday lunch they would prepare from scratch. What country did the parents choose?
18. The neighbours' pet fell off the roof and into the barbecue one night. What pet and what's it called? (Tough question, 1 point bonus if you get it right)
19. At the beginning of lockdown 1, Mrs Blogger had zero tolerance towards the way her children spent their time. What was the problem?
20. Mrs Blogger would love her son (in fact all her children) to have one pastime. Which one?



  1. Great questions! I can't answer all of them though... But question 11 needs rephrasing! 🤔😉


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