196. Baby number one
The due date had arrived but Miss Organiser had decided she would pick her due date herself and made us wait. The staff at the hospital got a little bit fed up waiting for this unruly baby and decided that the time was up. Living in a highly civilised country I was summoned to the maternity ward with military precision: 8AM sharp.
When I got there I was met with a wad of papers to fill in and a surprising comment.
'Exercice hurries babies. It's a nice day! You go take a walk around.' The nurse said with a big grin.
So off I went a little unsure of how seriously I should take this. Was it a piece of medical advice? Was she joking? Should I go for a leisurely walk or should I trek for an hour, take to the hilly ground past the helipad? Asking, I felt, would be a little embarrassing (had I not read the ante-natal recommended literature? Had I not attended the classes?) so I decided I would start with a leisurely stroll and see what happened.
I ended up walking for the entire day. Now and then I would pop in and announce I'd had a lovely walk, thank you and I was met with a 'any contractions yet?' and sent back out like a naughty child. I should have lied and said I was in pain but it was my first baby and it was a nice day. I even remember discussing how the daffodils had been early and that it'd been a good year for the tulips. In and out of the ward I went, up and down the stairs, up and down the paths, up and down the car park past the helipad. Was this normal procedure? I couldn't see any other heavily pregnant women around. Just me. And passers-by staring ... And Miss Organiser refusing to go by any schedule not set by her personally.
I ended up spending the night there and they made me share a room with a woman who had delivered her baby on time - as per schedule. Maybe this would knock some sense into me and my baby? Maybe hearing this little companion cry at night would kick mine into action?
Oooooh so sweet! Miss Organizer was already organized! Or was she already trying to organize those around?
Miss organiser 😂😂😂