265. Bonding

I am on a kind of stand-by for a week. And I feel like some kind of educational firewoman. I am on edge all the time fearing that phone call and remembering my friend's words.

'Don't answer the phone! Just don't pick up, ok? Remember last year?'

It all came out as the Lazy Teachers series of posts. 

So I am on edge. I keep thinking that I will absent-mindedly pick up that call.

'Mrs F? ... We have an emergency here. Can you drive to Perpette-les-Oies High School? Be there for 9 if you could.'

So both phones are on silent. All notifications cancelled. I do feel a little guilty and think that I could say that 'The system was down, sorry but the whole street was without Internet. I'm very sorry.'

After all it would a kind of revenge against the whole administration française. That idea convinces me that I'm doing the right thing.

So as I sit down at breakfast I am in a very good mood and inclined to chat with Baby. I have a week to bond with her.

'Did you sleep well?' I ask, a little too cheerful for 9:20 AM.

As a reply a sound - not animal but not completely human either - and so I repeat my question.

She utters some words, might even be a sentence, but it is not a language I comprehend.

'Don't eat and speak at the same time.' 

She swallows purposefully, looking accusingly at me, as if I am responsible for her having to swallow so much so quickly.

'I'm not eating am drinking.'

I have lots of replies that come to my mind such as why have hot chocolate on the probably hottest day go the season, and not to be such a smart Alec with her wise mother. But I remember that I have decided to make the most of this week to bond with my youngest.

'Is your hot chocolate nice? You haven't had one for ages.'

'Not really. You bought the wrong kind of cocoa powder. WE don't like the no-sugar added one.'

I am a little puzzled by the use of the pronoun 'we' ... is it the Jubilee effect? I guess it is better not to comment upon this.

'Have you got any plans for today?' (Baby is now on holiday so am concerned about how she will use her time.)

'Mum! Give us a break ! I'm on holiday!'

That pronoun again! Maybe grammar lessons this summer?

She slurps her chocolate. I drink my lemon and ginger. This is not going well. Have I lost the knack?

'You need books. We could drive to the mall and see which ones we can find.'

She glares at me over the steam of her drink, then slurs. My patience is wearing thin.

'Well, you know what? You do not want to have an interesting conversation with your mother? You want to behave like your three siblings put into one? So be it. It's fine. Actually it's perfect. I've got plenty to do anyway.' 

And I get up and leave. I've reached the bottom of the creaky stairs when she says in a very clear voice.

'I'm going to a show tonight.'

After a few seconds to assess the situation at hand all I can manage is

'A show? ... What kind of show?'


Again all I can manage is:

'Dance? ... What kind of dance.'

Since when is Baby into Dance? She is turning into someone I do not recognise making the bonding essential and rather urgent. 

'Well, you'll have to tell me a little more about this dance show and then when daddy gets home we'll discuss it together.'

She gets up, gives me a furious look, dumps her mug in the sink, turns to look at me and says. 

'Nothing to discuss. Dad and you just need to let me lead my life the way I want. I know what's best for me.'

She turns to look at me to see if I've got the message and disappears up the creaky stairs.


Great. That bonding is off to a really good start. I almost wish the educational emergency brigade would give me a call right now.


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