281. Research work

Here I am on my own, playing the hermit in the little house near the woods. Actually it feels more like some kind of animal sanctuary right now. And I feel like a volunteer doing bits of research to help around. I have so far worked out that the animals partying at night  in my attic could be one of the following:

- the marten (beech marten? stone marten? pine marten?)

- the dormouse

- the weasel

They are all cute enough for me not to follow the locals' advice to set up traps (using Nutella of all things). If only these little pests could keep quiet we could get on fine. This gave me the idea to search them by the sound they make. Genius me. 

Verdict: the pine marten is the culprit. 100% per cent per the squeaks I've been hearing at night. And it matches the furtive glance I got once when one at dusk peaked its head from under the eaves and ran along the length of the roof at the speed of light. Annoyingly it might also be the cutest of the lot.  

Mission: accomplished. The culprit has been identified. A sigh of relief and a feeling of pride washes over me and I decide to treat myself to a little fun by attending the village fête. I have seen posters all over the place. The programme seems very ambitious and I wonder where they are going to find the people to attend. This is a tourist area but it does not attract crowds. Anyway there is repas en plein air on the square offering mussels and chips (or just chips). You have to buy a ticket for the food and tokens for drinks. There is also the vide-grenier (literally meaning empty your attic and I am wondering about the cute martens ...). A concours de pétanque will also take place and a réveil en fanfare at 6:30 - which makes me happy my little house is far enough from the village. The fanfare might be good to scare the cute martens away ... An other repas champêtre, défilé de voitures de collection, feu d'artifice, ...

What's missing is the worst mum in the world competition. Never mind I am sure I have a talent for pétanque ...


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