307. The Midnight Visitor (2)

 I try to remember that tomorrow one of my resolution will be self-discipline and so I resist opening the bottle all on my own. Instead I get up and go into the street. It is completely empty, dark and soundless. There is a solitary man on a door step int the distance. I go back inside. I hear a dog barking in the distance. 

I go back inside and decide to wait. Patiently. I check the corridor and see that the keys are truly gone. This seems like a (bad) dream, it is all a little surreal. And all this silence ...



I jump up again. What's all this? Of course! It's midnight. The fireworks! The Champagne!

I run back inside and decide to pop that bottle open. I've got no choice it's now midnight. That's when my husband comes in with the dog.

'Good timing!' I say, cheerily. 

'I've got the key for the Wolf, and for the garage. But not for your car.'

'Really! You got them?'

I'm impressed by my husband. I look at the dog who looks chuffed. That bottle of Champagne has to pop now and I sip the bubbly drink while my husband tells me about chasing the man down the street and getting him to hand in what he had stolen from us.

'He gave me everything. Even a phone and some keys that are not ours so I'll take those to the police station tomorrow. He didn't have the car key. He must have thrown it somewhere. I'll look for it tomorrow.'

We resume out tête-à-tête. 


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