333. Time to myself …

 I am sitting watching my favourite silly series which makes Baby scream in shock.

‘Mum! Seriously, you can’t be watching this again!’

‘It’s a series, so, yes, I’ll be watching it again and again for quite a while.’

‘ It’s really stupid!’

‘ This is funny stupid, and relaxing stupid, better than the boring stupid I deal with all day.’

Baby shrugs her shoulders and heads up the stairs. I say goodnight trying to hide the fact that I’m glad to be left alone in front of the tv screen.

My phone flashes. You just can’t watch tv these days. I’d read all these articles saying that when the kids are big you get more time for yourself. 

I take a peek at the phone screen. Oh no. Oh no no no no.

It’s Miss Organiser.

‘Mum, I’m bored with my job. You said if I was bored I had to go so I am going to resign. I’m bored.’


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