339. Week-end project à deux (1)
I have never made anything like marmelade or jam in my life before. But now, after spending a few days wandering around orange and lemon trees loaded with brightly coloured fruit I decide the time has come.
After all if I ever open a B&B I have to have home-made marmelade on offer for breakfast.
‘Great idea! I’ll help.’ My husband announced with so much enthusiasm I thought it was ironic.
‘No, really, I’ll help. I’ve made orange marmelade before … when I was in Year 7.’
Year 7. I do want to do the maths out loud. He can tell I’m not very impressed so he asks me.
‘Have you ever made orange marmelade before?’
‘Never. I have never made jam either.’
‘There. So that makes me the expert. Let’s make this our weekend project.’
I did not think this was enough to make an expert of mu husband even though he was a quick learner. So I took the opportunity of having to supervise endless mock exams that week to check serious articles about the making of orange marmelade. Then the weekend came …
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