343. Shock to the system
Back to work and I warn my husband that I have to be in extra early so not to have to fight my way to the photocopier. Everyone is in the same boat - even if no-one wants to admit it: we have not prepared ahead and now are desperate to shove some worksheets or test papers in from tof our young students. In my case it is test papers but one labelled in big huge red letters to show the kids that it is a very important test paper and has to be taken super seriously. (Translate into please be quiet for the entire period as I am having great difficulties in getting back into the work routine).
It is difficult to know what time it actually is. Daylight but summer time so it could be anything between 5 am and 8 pm. 8 pm I would be in trouble as very late. I make my way downstairs.
'Oh! It's you!' My husband says. 'What are you doing up so early early?'
'I told you! I need to get into work extra early this morning and copy all the test papers.'
'So you want some coffee?'
'No, it's summer now. I'll take water.'
I go to the kitchen. I fill my water bottle with cool water and then squeeze a lemon and an orange and sit at table to drink that and to stare into mid-air. After a while my husband asks softly.
'Coffee now? Muffin?'
I give him a very sleepy affirmative answer. He serves me breakfast, all quietly and I wonder if he is worried I am going to throw a tantrum and not go.
'I've got to go now. See you!'
And I take my bag and no coat (it is summer now) and I disappear into the sunshine (well, actually grey skies announcing a downpour).
I get to school and I get my precious test papers from my locker which does not lock but thankfully none of my colleagues have stolen them. I head to the copier's room and OMG what are all these people doing in here? I don't moan too much because I am early and so I get to the machine and I copy and copy and copy and as I copy and copy and copy there are more and more people coming in and queuing in behind me and soon the little room is full of grumpy people. I'm not grumpy. I'm smiling because I have got the machine and I am not even rushing and not even making excuses for hogging it because I WAS HERE EARLY. And also I HAVE DOING A VERY IMPORTANT TEST. I make some silly jokes but still the people remain grumpy. So when I am done with my 142 test papers I leave the room. I really want to shout have a horrid day you silly boring people but I don't. One day I will.
I head up the stairs (4th floor! I'm quite certain there are sending me all the way up there so I get out of breath and won't complain so loudly) wondering all the way that it is very unusual for some many people to be in the copiers room at that time. But hey it is back to school for term 3 and so everyone is desperate for the important tests and stuff. I get to the classroom, open the door then open all the windows that will open. It is summer now.
I settle down and organise all my 142 test papers in manageable bunches (there were no staples in the machine so the wad of paper will be difficult to hand out). I mean the staff had two weeks to check the staplers and add some. I won't ask. I'd get a very silly answer. And am done with silly things for the whole term already.
I look at the room and decide the kids will do the chairs and then straight into test. Then I wait a bit and walk around and check my phone to see who is wishing me a good day back at work. No-one.
And then I wait. And then I realise oh horror of horrors that I have come to school for 8 am when I am starting at 9 because yesterday was a bank holiday and therefore this is Tuesday and not Monday and so that I am an hour early!!!!
I want to kick the desk and throw the computer out of the window. But I am on the 4th floor. So I do what I always do and call my husband.
'I arrived an hour early!' I cry. Translate: you should have told me.
When I get back home in the evening, my husband is asking Baby is she had a good day and telling her about her mum's strange behaviour.
'Tomorrow please make sure I arrive just in time. And please make sure I wear my coat and take hot coffee instead of water.'
And then I go huffing and puffing into the lounge to sulk.
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