451. Challenge time

 Yesterday I bought a new cupboard. Today I polished the outside. Tomorrow I clean the inside and fill it with stuff. Which means today the dining table is covered in stuff. Piles of stuff that I will move from one cupboard to the next. If this seems pointless to you reader just let me point out that I am moving stuff from an old cupboard into a new one. From overloaded shelves to tidy unencumbered shelves.


I can see that my enthusiasm is not shared by the other members of the family. They do seem to care about cupboard contents and they all think I am going through a 'phase'. I cam see them exchanging looks. And making comments. Virtual or out loud.

'Mum, there's an other message about an item of furniture.' Baby says in an exasperated tone of voice.

'I do not think this will fit in your car.' That is the sentence that my husbands utters at regular intervals. 

'Are you thinking of opening a second-hand furniture shop?' Miss Organiser ironises from across the oceans.

I just ignore them all. I drive along the single lane country road, under grey skies. The frosted fields and the bare trees make me want to stop and take pictures. But I cannot. I am on my way to pick up some furniture.

'Are you not just plainly addicted to this app?' Someone says. I do not even know who. I have stopped taking their worried comments into consideration. 

The huge pile of stuff clutters the dining table and so it is dinner in front of a movie. Now they like me and my new pastime.

On the dining table there is a huge folder with recipes in it. I lick through it see childish handwriting on separators: starters, breads, cakes, etc. 

But then out of this mess came a great idea I was going to pick a page at random and cook a recipe out of this messy family book. A kind of Julie and Julia thing. 

Starting tomorrow. 


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