389. Writers block still unblocked
I remember my son on the eve of his 7th - or was it 8th - birthday asking me about turning a year older.
'Does it happen in the middle of the night? Does it goes pop in my head at midnight ? And that's it and I get bigger? Hey? Mum? Mum? Does it happen like that? At night?'
All my kids had this very annoying habit which made them keep asking the same question non-stop until I gave a satisfactory answer. Most of their questions I found tough - unlike their dad who always had a satisfactory answer. (not so long ago my son told me dad knows everything and I said wait a minute I'm the teacher here!)
But my husband was at work and his working days were long and there was no way I was going to put up with this little boy following me around all day asking the same question.
'No, it doesn't go pop. It happens slowly and smoothly.'
'What does it mean slowly and smoothie? Hey mum, hey? ... Mum? Why is it like a smoothie?'
'Slowly. It happens gradually. We don't notice.'
'Why? Why can't I notice it? And you and dad, do you notice it?'
It was at that stage that I thought maybe I should pick up the phone and phone my husband. Then he would come out as the hero and me as the mum who knew nothing.
'Put your shoes on, we'll walk to the shops you and me, and we'll get an ice-cream and I'll buy you a toy as a pre-birthday present and we'll talk about getting older.'
It worked. My son forgot everything and started screaming and shouting and running around hunting for his shoes. Leaving me feeling bad because what kind of mother was I who was going to stifle her child's intellectually adventurous mind with things like toys and ice-cream, and let the father be the one with the truth. And I would feel so bad I would ask my husband to take me out for drinks so I could discuss this with him. Maybe I should say yes it does go pop and ut wakes mum up in the middle of the night and that is why she is so tired.
was the question ever answered 😂
Am still working on it!